Wednesday, 24 October 2007

Bummer... many happenings...dont know where to start!!!
I will go for the latest...did u know yesterday morning, on my way to school, i had an accident?? yes..albeit a minor one. But....the events that followed it is one i shall remember for a long long time...
Just after the Southern Park exit, amidst the heavy morning traffic, a green proton wira aeroback bumped into my 5 day old perodua Viva! O..the sheer frustration at having your brand new car bumped into...(itu satu hal...). It gave me quite a jolt, to hear the clanging of metals. Regardless of the rain, I pulled over to the bus stop nearby, looked behind, expecting the driver to follow suit. Of all the nerve..the driver, a malay lady i think in her late twenties...had the audacity to just shake her hands, boldly indicating nothing was wrong with my car, and simply drove on, leaving a bewildered and puzzled me!!
Since it was raining, and the traffic jam was quite heavy, all i could do was watch her pass me by, and then i drove on. From where I was, I could see her switching lanes, from the third to the second, and then tried unsuccessfully to go to the first. My thoughts were she was probably trying to escape me. Well... I wasnt chasing her, how could I?
But Allah is Great! While she was stuck in the second lane, simpleton me and my viva in the third lane kept on moving slowly until I was actually beside her. I hurriedly unwind my windscreen ( is that what its called?) n shouted at her, "Apa cerita ni?". Her companion beside her, another malay lady, shouted back on her behalf, "Takde apa-apa...takde calar pun" , and then they simply drove off again at the roundabout to Klang. The nerve of that perpetrator!!!
I called hubby dear, only to hear his sighs and lamentations, so i quickly added that the driver said there was no scratch to the new car ( I must emphasise on the word frustrating...) but hubby dear told me to check the back once i reached school.
Which I did...the lady was right...there was just the slightest of peeled paint...but THE WHOLE OF THE LEFT BUMPER WAS MISALLIGNED!!!!! Which she would have totally failed to observe, loking on from the comfortable position she was her car! Later on, when i tested opening the booth, a screw from somewhere actually dropped off. My poor new felt like a tooth had dropped off it...
Its not so much the minor accident that shook me. It was the sheer irresponsible attitude of the driver..and what makes it feel worse to me, she was of my sex and my race.... and how sad..I am sure of my faith too, a fellow muslim! I am not an insensible person, I believe the accident is what it was - accidental. But not to have the courtesy to pull over and apologise or to try to pretend to be the slightest remorseful..that is something that I totally fail to understand. And to my eyes, that makes her a damned criminal! A shameless Malaysian, a lowly lady, an errant muslim! No manners!!! BOth she and her companion...
I was still slightly breathless when i recounted the incident to my colleague in school and when she asked me if the driver had shouted an apology during our very brief exchange of words, it was only then that i realised her vulgar attitude - confidently n boldly shouting out that there was nothing wrong with my car, but not bothering to even say "sorry!". If she is a parent, well..she is bound to raise a brood of arrogant, shameless, deceitful brats...simply because she obviously lack those noble values to raise noble, well mannered children!
Thank God, I did not lose my cool when the accident occured. In that short span of time, I managed to memorise her plate number. I also managed to trace from my valuable informant, the owner of the car, a male name, and his identity card number, presumably the husband of the rude, reckless driver!
Well, owner/driver of green proton WJC 5025, I know at least who that car belongs to, I know your address...and for your information I have made a police report that very morning, Tuesday, 23/10/2007, at 9.00 am, precisely 1 hour 45 mins after you hit my car, and then arrogantly drove away.
YOu may have escaped me, you may probably even escape the police, but you know fully well what you did hasnt escaped Allah! And since you did not deem it important to talk and discuss with me right after the accident, with your arrogant, rude behaviour, you left me no choice but to bring my frustration to Allah. And I am of firm faith, that Allah listens to those who have been abused...not so much by the physical accident, but by your rudeness and sheer bad manners. So, I believe Allah will mete out a just treatment for you too...Good luck!!!
So, if any one of you out there in the universe, knows this lady (fellow teacher?), send my good luck wish to can say she needs it...for i rest my case in the hands of God. And there is no saying what the reckoning of God will be...

Saturday, 6 October 2007

after some time

Indeed...after sometime i finally managed to get down to checking my blog again. Its always a nice surprise to see that someone has browsed through my blog and added a comment or two. I think everyone with a blog can understand that excited feeling we get when we know someone else has read our posts and interested enough to make comments.
I believe i have not entered any post since the start of you know what? this auspicious month is almost over. Its 24th Ramadan today. Ashraf's PMR exam has come and gone...inshaallah i can only pray he will get what is deserving of him - but we are both worried about his Science Paper 2. Both of us cried with worry. Silly us...
Ah yes... now i remember why i was also distracted from sending in a new post. The hot weather in this fasting month has caused me to suffer some set back due to dehydration. But alhamdulillah i m ok. Everything that befalls us is a learning experience, right?
I also finally did something which i now realised i have not done for some time als0 - visit the bookstore ... and actually buying a book. My colleague, Mr. Radha had recommended me a book that he said would be a good read, The Power of Your Subconcscious Mind, by Dr. Joseph Murphy. I did not get the book, but i found another instead. I have watched the book being discussed in the Oprah Winfrey show and it sounded to me at that time...well..readable, and aroused my curiousity somewhat. At the bookstore, i browsed through the book, and thought "o well, i can part with RM 60.00 to find out what this book has to say." But the truth is i am always a victim of my own curiousity. I just wanted to know what the secret is. So i am now the proud owner of "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne.
And now...all i can say is the book is worth every cent i put in!!! The secret finally revealed to me, is so simple in its truth, that i decided to try it out immediately. Mashaallah, all praise be to God...the simple truths which i tried to follow actually work! It is all about law of attraction and how like attracts like. Some powerful words in the book too. Feeling that just reading the book is not enough, i surfed its website: and downloaded the secret movie online. I was really motivated, and inspired, to say the least. Motivated enough to get me writing this post in my blog.
So now, I shall try to practice the secret and basically, what it entails is already in the teachings of Islam i feel, as the law of attraction is basically a law of the universe. I truly recommend this book to everyone. It is quite an eye opener, and i believe, if you are looking for "goodness", you will find out how in this book.