Aaaahhh...finally! my little boy Zakiy finally got his chance to visit the PetroSains at KL suria. We left early saturday morning, 17/11/2007, as soon as the holidays started. I have been there before, and I am glad that the gallery did not stay static. There were changes, and another subgallery - The Petro Speed was something new to me too. Hubby dearest, as usual, just sent us. He did not want to participate in our adventurous mood-well its his loss...
At petrospeed there was a game which i found very interesting. It was the Mind Ball. You know what? It is a game where you direct a small ball into your opponents goal post - just by the will of your mind. A kind of electrode? i suppose, is placed on your forehead, looking like you are wearing a bandana, n then by sheer control of your mind, you "will" the ball into your opponent's goal. It is all about brain activity wavelengths actually....your ability to bring yourself into a state of being in total control, totally relaxed, and you do that by getting your alpha and theta brainwaves under your control. Why should this kind of scientific game be included in the PetroSpeed gallery you think? Well, much of the success to F1 races, have a lot to do with the driver's frame of mind, his ability to stay calm and cool on one of the fastest race track ever, his ability to set his mind on a mission; hence the mind ball practice.
And you know what? I won both challenges i took with big boy, Ashraf...much to my joy! I lost my concentration for a moment with baby Zakiy (well...its understandable you will agree, if i say we always lose out to our youngest darling...heheheh...)But on the second challenge, I managed to put my 'winning' cap back on, and needless to say, i won, yet again. Ashraf is NOT SATISFIED. He blames it on his having a cold, which distracts his focus. I say...this proves one thing significant....MOM KNOWS BEST,MOMS ARE moms out there rejoice..i have defended the SUPERIORITY of our species...hahahahah (boy, am i enjoying sweet victory or what?). Ashraf..jangan mare haa.....
From KL Suria, we went to see and eventually ride on "Eye On Malaysia"....big deal. It was an exciting thought, to ride on a huge Ferris Wheel for an aerial view of KL city. Unfortunately, it wasnt so aerial, at least to me. The view of KL from KL Tower is by far more impressive. We were supposed to do 4 rounds but lucky..or unlucky us...we went to as many as 8 the 3rd round i was like begging to get out!!! Nothing great...for those who have not gone there, my personal opinion is...just turn a blind eye to it...
Anways, here are some pics for sweet remembrance. At the end of the day, the 3 of us, ahsraf, zakiy and I have decided to return to PetroSpeed sometime soon - just for a rematch of the mindball game.... just for the petrospeed gallery, rm 5 for adults, rm2 for under 12. It will take about 1 hr to enjoy yourself in that gallery. I recommend it...with your children....salaam, cheerio...
petrosains??? have been wanting to go there for ages..must make a point to go someday soon!
enjoy the hols
hey bluewonder...go lah..ur children will love it i think...they will end up on the heli ride...
Promised to drop by and I did. Will drop by.
Use to have my own blog too, maybe will start again.
Rostam 78.
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